A home owner’s guide: feng shui basics

‘Feng shui’ (which literally translates to ‘wind’ and ‘water’), is a complex system of thoughts that teaches us how to position buildings in a harmonious relationship with their environment and how to balance energies in any given space. Originating from China, it is an integral part of the Singaporean culture.

Feng shui can be seen everywhere. Take the placement of two landmarks in Singapore – Marina Bay Sands (MBS) as well as Suntec City. MBS is directly situated at the mouth of Singapore’s dragon, at which there is a strong flow of prosperous energy. The Art Science Museum in front of MBS is reminiscent of a lotus flower, a representation of enlightenment, growth and good fortune.

Similarly, Suntec City is oriented to resemble the human hand – with the 18-storey Suntec City Tower representing the thumb, the four 45-storey office towers the fingers, the convention centre the wrist and the Fountain of Wealth a golden ring in the middle of the palm – capturing the auspicious values of feng shui.

The aforementioned are just some of the more monumental examples in Singapore. However, influencing the harmonious relationship between the building we currently live/work in and its environment is beyond our control unless we are involved in developing the property from scratch. Hence, it will be easier for us to start at home.

Here are 5 tips to help you get started with feng shui in your home:

  1. Strong front door

    The front door is especially important in feng shui as it is where the flow of energy begins. How strong and balanced the front door is will determine the strength and quality of energy available for those who live in the house. To ensure your front door allows energy to flow through it, maintain an unobstructed open flow of energy to the front door and monitor the upkeep of the door – replace rusty doorknobs and fix the squeaks.

  2. Good flow of positive ‘chi’

    ‘Chi’ denotes the feng shui energy that surrounds us. This energy is felt and interpreted as being positive or negative in nature. Positive chi manifests in several forms, from healing scents in your home to your lover’s warm smile. A fundamental way to check the energy flow in your home is to imagine chi, as water. If water can flow consistently and smoothly to all areas of your home, gently refreshing it, you got yourself a good flow of chi. Additionally, whenever you decide to renovate, redecorate or rearrange your existing furniture, ensure you maintain that good flow.

  3. Placement of plants

    It is good feng shui if there isn’t any void space between the ceiling and the top of kitchen cabinets as this space attracts dust and stagnant energy. The flow of chi will be trapped there and this encourages the buildup of dead chi, which may end up negatively impacting your life. To prevent this, place vibrant plants on top of your kitchen cabinets to eliminate any void spaces.In addition, vibrant plants like the money plant or the lucky bamboo are also excellent feng shui wealth magnets.

  4. Water features

    Water is a feng shui symbol of wealth and prosperity. Hence, it would be beneficial if you had an element of water, such as a fountain, present in your home. Fountains are also easy feng shui cures to help you attract the best quality of chi. Thus, the optimal place for a fountain is near the entry of your home so that positive chi can be attracted and allowed to flow through the rest of your house. Since water represents wealth, placing a fountain near your door also means that wealth can pour into your life!

  5. Keep Tidy

    After creating a strong feng shui foundation in your house, you will still need to maintain the level of energy present. A house with positive feng shui is constantly nourished by fresh, clear and free flowing energy. To ensure this, you must be mindful of not creating areas in your house that can trap or hinder the flow of chi. A simple way to do so is to regularly get rid of your clutter and keep your house clean and tidy. Good, fresh chi expresses itself in clean spaces with fresh air and plenty of good light.

In essence, these are fundamental tips on how to invite and maintain good feng shui at home. Should you wish to gain a deeper understanding of feng shui, do consider seeking professional advice!

Ian Khoo
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